Large data cache (endas.arraycache)ΒΆ

Functionality for caching larger-than-memory data.

Large array cache is used in situations where keeping all data in memory is likely not going to be feasible, such as in Kalman Smoother implementations. Therefore, some data may be persisted to other storage (e.g. disk) for later retrieval.

The endas.arraycache.ArrayCache class both defines the interface and serves as a trivial implementation. ArrayCache keeps all data in memory at all times and is therefore only suitable for when it is known that the amount of data that needs to be held is going to be reasonably small. For more demanding situations, use other implementation. It is also easy to write your own, if needed.

EnDAS comes with the following large array cache implementations:

ArrayCache Trivial large data cache implementation.
LRUArrayCache Data cache that swaps recently used data objects to disk.